BY, KARPAGAM THYAGARAJAN Over two decades ago, Sithara faced the camera for the first time when she was in Class IX. She was paired opposite two stars, Mohanlal and Mammootty, who still rule the Malayalam film industry. During her career spanning more than 10 years, Sithara acted in many memorable Malayalam movies like Padippura (1988), Aryan (1988), Mukti (1988), Mazhavilkkavadi (1989), Jaathakam (1989), Puthiya Karukkal (1989), Naaduvazhikal (1989), Vachanam (1990), Orukkam (1990), Bhagyavan (1993), Chamayam (1993), Journalist (1993) and Guru (1997). Later, she ventured into Tamil, then Telugu and Kannada films. Surprisingly, Sithara became instantly popular in Tamil with K. Balachander's Puthu Puthu Arthangal (1989). She appeared in more Tamil films like Chinna Durai (1999), Puthu Vasantham, Natpukkaga (1998) and Padayappa (1999), than in Malayalam. Panchapandavar (1999) was her last Malayalam film. Sithara, who recently made a public appearance on the small screen as the judge ...