The Chennai police on Friday morning whisked away the young director A.R.Murugadas after the writer Sujatha's body was taken to Besant Nagar crematorium. The director who flew down to Chennai from Mumbai after cancelling his shootings of Hindi Kajini film paid his last tributes to the writer. After the body was taken from the writer's house, some plainclothes men took him in their cars, however the director shouted publicly for help. The plainclothes men, taken captive of the director based on the complaint filed by producer Salem Chandrasekar. The plainclothes men took the director to the Chennai K.K.Nagar Police station. The police enquired about the complaint made by the producer Salem Chandrasekar. In the meanwhile, director Murugadoss' advocate who talked with the police about the case. Following, the advocate's intervention, the police had let off the director. It has been said, director Murugadas has produced the Tamil version of the Kajini beyond the budget limi...